The intent of the Mercosur agreement is to increase both bilateral trade and investment. Accordingly, lower tariff and non-tariff trade barriers with particular focus to SME’s. As a result, create a more stable framework to support intellectual property rights, food safety standards as well as enable better governance in terms of competition and regulatory practices. Consequently, bolster the common values between the EU and Latin America such as sustainable development, environmental protection and encourage companies to act responsibly as well as protect and strengthen worker’s rights.
Iana Dreyer: founder of Borderlex.eu; writer on trade and energy policy. She has worked with the European Centre for International Political Economy, the Institute Montaigne and the EU Institute for Security Studies, Financial Times Group and is a graduate from the London School of Economics and Sciences Po in Paris.
Emily Rees: Emily Rees is a Senior Fellow at ECIPE and Managing Director at Trade Strategies, a trade and regulatory advisory consultancy. A Franco-British national, Emily comes from an extensive career in trade policy and economic diplomacy, having led Brazil’s trade and investment agency relations with the European Union and served as Deputy Trade Attaché of France to Brazil.
Moderator: Robert Woodthorpe Browne MBE; Chair, The Paddy Ashdown Forum
Robert is a reinsurance industry professional. He has chiefly operated in Developing, Central and European countries with specialties that include agricultural and environmental coverage. Additionally, world-wide travel to over 150 countries combined with fluency in French, German and Spanish has resulted in further extensive experience in international politics and diplomacy.
Robert has served as Council Member of the Royal Institute for International Affairs (Chatham House). Additionally, is Past Master Worshipful Company of World Traders; Chairman The Prime Masters PMA 2017; Vice President on the Bureau of Liberal International; Chairman International Relations Committee Liberal Democrats; Board Member British German Association; Committee Member Gresham Society (Gresham College); Fellow Royal Geographical Society; member English Ceramic Circle and Royal Forestry Society.
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