Climate change knows nothing of borders. And the links between climate, sustainable development and human rights are inviolable. Through collaboration we can aspire to meet the needs of addressing climate change and protect vulnerable communities. It follows collaboration is the effective route for equity and justice as well as a tool that can inspire industries to take responsibility to inform better more resilient and sustainably viable governance.
Consequently, such action will optimise freedom to achieve both the goal of environmental sustainability and ameliorate opportunities of economic growth of the least developed countries to protect their vulnerable population. As a result, to promote sustainable and efficient agri-food systems that guarantee a sufficient food supply for the growing global demand is inherent in any long-term sustainably viable policy.
Hakima El Haite, President Liberal International; is a member of the executive board of Mouvement Populaire Morocco, former Minister of Environment for the Kingdom of Morocco, she was a major actor in bringing COP22 to Morocco, vice president of COP 21 (Paris Agreement) and appointed as Special Envoy and UN High-Level Champion of the International Climate Conference (COP 22). Advisor to COP26.
Irina Von Wiese; former Member of the European Parliament and Vice Chair, EP Human Rights Sub Committee. Formerly, Irina was legal counsel to GSMA and holds a Master of Public Administration from Harvard.
Moderator: Pilu Giraudo; Honorary President of Aapresid, the Argentine Association of Direct Sowing Producers, Agricultural Engineer, producer and advisor, with a Post Graduate Degree in Senior Management in Agribusiness and Food from FAUBA.
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